MusiC :: Glowreeyah Braimah – Covenant Keeper | @Glowreeyah | LISTEN!
Known for her vast musical prowess, Glowreeyah Braimah explores the many facets of sound creating unique experiences with every song and her newest single, “Covenant Keeper,” produced by Ace producer GospelOnDaBeatz, is no different.
Released Tuesday, October 6th, Covenant Keeper is a worship call with live instrumentation which along with her unique delivery is bound to be a hit on different airwaves across the country, bringing to light a new side and sound of the artiste, Glowreeyah.
“In the world we live in today where hope has become a major need, Covenant keeper is a worship cry for a divine intervention from the Most High God. My younger sister, Jane-Terese was due for delivery of her triplets and this song cemented my faith in what God could do as one who keeps His word.” the singer commented.
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