#LibyaCallToAction | Tina Campbell Encourages All To Join In An International Day Of Prayer
Like many around the world, Tina Campbell was shocked to see news reports of modern-day slavery in Libya. She watched the CNN report in horror and was driven to action. To that end, Tina is enlisting the support of believers around the world to join her in an International Day of Prayer against the injustice and human rights violations happening in Libya today.
Tina is encouraging everyone join her on Tuesday, December 19 at 2:30pm EST / 11:30am PST. She will be joined by Christian leaders, ministers and pastors from around the globe to pray for the intervention and end the atrocious practice of slavery in Africa and around the world.
“The deception, abduction, sale, and enslavement of real live human individuals and families is horrendous, barbaric, tragic, inhumane, and simply unbelievable, so I am asking the people of God, church leaders and members, gospel artists, and all believers who have a voice and/or a platform, to use it to help stop this,” Campbell said. “Compassion should move us to act as God’s hands, feet, and voice and offer the help that we can.”
In addition to the International Prayer Day, Tina is also sharing practical ways for everyone to get involved in helping to end slavery.
Ways to Help:
- Contact US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, to encourage her to continue to prioritize this slave trade issue at the United Nations. You can also reach out directly to Nikki Haley via the UN website: https://usun.state.
gov/contact The official twitter and instagram for the US mission to the United Nations are both @USUN. The official Facebook page is www.facebook.com/USattheUN
- Contact your Congressman via this easy app: https://itunes.apple.com/
us/app/u-s-congress-info/ and let them know that this modern day slave trade in Libya grieves you and you’d like their support in urging the US to take action towards stopping this atrocity. You can also contact Congress easily with ResistBot: https://resistbot.id1155763834?mt=8 io Text RESIST to 50409 or you can even message them on Facebook and send them your message and your concerns, and it will be forwarded to your local US representatives.
- Support and Donate to the IOM (International Organization for Migration), who are working in Libya to protect migrants’ human rights and prevent them from being trafficked into servitude by smugglers. This organization has been successful in shutting down seven detention centers (where migrants are abused and where the enslavement process often originates). Their official website: https://iom.int
- Contact Social Media companies. According to the IOM, smugglers have used Facebook Live to broadcast videos of imprisoned migrants in Libya. They send these videos to migrants’ family members as a way of extorting money for their release. The IOM is asking social media companies to ban the use of their services for the sharing of these types of videos.
- Please repost, retweet, and share our International Day of Prayer for Libya flyer and info using the hashtag #LibyaCallToAction so that all people everywhere can join us to pray for this crisis – you can share on Facebook from HERE or repost from Instagram from HERE
Reputable Organizations working to end worldwide slavery:
– End Slavery Now – Official website: https://www.endslaverynow.org
– Medecins Sans Frontieres – Official website (USA): http://www.
– Free the Slaves – Official website: https://www.freetheslaves.net/
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