GMP Exclusive Interview with Renaissance Movement Music, Talks ‘SAFE HOUSE’ Project
In an Exclusive inspiring interview with GMusicPlus, Christian Hip-Hop label, Renaissance Movement Music (RMM) gave detailed insight on their forthcoming project ‘SAFE HOUSE’, group synergy and more.
– Renaissance Movement Music is an independent Christian label based in Hampton Roads Virginia, United States. The label consists of 3 artists, Sinai, Legin (Founder) and Focus. The mission of the label is to see a “rebirth” in the movement of God’s people through evangelism and discipleship. RMM has shared stages with KB, Christon Gray, Tedashii, Nicole C. Mullen, 21:03, to name a few.
Read full interview below;
GMusicPlus: Hello Renaissance Movement Music (RMM), Can you tell us a bit about the label and why christian hip-hop?
RMM: RMM operates as a family of artists with a shared belief system and driven towards engaging culture through gospel-based Hip Hop, artistry and musical excellence.
We all grew up listening to Hip Hop and we love the genuine art of it. Once God touched our lives, we wanted to show others the gospel as well as the art of Hip Hop.
GMusicPlus: Most of your online publications show Safe House Project, Could you explain what it’s all about?
RMM: The Safe House Album is directly funding the Safe House project, which is tasked with building a home in Pretoria, South Africa for children facing the daily threat of sex trafficking.
GMusicPlus: What inspired the Project ‘Safe House’?
RMM: The RMM team visited this area last year and saw, first hand, these children as well as their daily conditions and struggle. We came home with a desire to do something to raise awareness of human trafficking thru our music. Originally we were going to just do one song, but it manifested into a whole album with a bigger vision to not only raise awareness, but also the funds to actually make a tangible impact.
GMusicPlus: What are your expectations/dreams for the Safe House?
RMM: First, we want to raise the $100,000 to get his home built then raise money for the yearly maintenance. We may even start Safe House 2 depending on how this one goes.
GMusicPlus: When and where will the safe house be built?
RMM: The land has already been selected. We hope for it to be completely funded this summer and breaking ground shortly after. We expect a good construction turnaround.
GMusicPlus: What should we expect from the forthcoming Album dedicated to this project?
RMM: You can expect HOT FIRE like Dylan, lol. You will hear heart felt, transparent and authentic sound. This album exposes a dichotomy of two truths; the tragic reality of human trafficking and hopelessness in the today’s world, juxtaposed by the beautiful truth that we all need a safe house that’s within reach.
GMusicPlus: How can people contribute to this project?
RMM: There are three ways people can get involved. One is to purchase the album. Buy and then stream it. 100% of the proceeds go to the Safe House from the purchase and THEN the streaming helps us expose the message by getting on playlists. Secondly, you can donate directly through the website Lastly, you can advocate, spread the word and pray.
GMusicPlus: Every music group have a unique synergy. Could you share the RMM synergy i.e. How you relate with each other? How you create music?
RMM: Even though each artist has each own sound, we tend to vibe off of one another. We are all brothers who have fun with one other and joke which makes the environment comfortable. We all come from broken homes which makes us intentional of being apart of each other lives.
In making music, we sometimes vibe in the studio listening to beats coming up with different concepts or just free styling. If we are listening to beats by ourselves and hear another artist on that beat, we will send it to them.
GMusicPlus: Your last project “Lions in suits.”, What was the motivation? (Nigel)
RMM: Lions in Suits (LNS) is about living boldly for your faith and being approachable in Christ. Jesus was “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14); so the lion represents bold truth while the suit represents His approachable grace. All of the artists represent that and what better way to let others know than through an album.
GMusicPlus: Which artiste/producer would you love to work with?
RMM: We are open to work with any producer that will draw out new inspiration and energy.
GMusicPlus: There are a lot of Christian rappers all around the world. How do you pick artiste to join your team. (Nigel)
RMM: We are family first before we even talk about music. We are not going out looking for talent but listens to God’s voice. We always approach an artist with the intent of growing with them as a family, getting to know them and their family. If music grows out of that then thats great but family is our number one goal.
GMusicPlus: Where do you see RMM as a group in 10 years.
RMM: I see RMM growing as a family of artists, and the platform becoming such that as an artist jumps off of it to release content they make a large splash. We want the art and the content to impact lives and culture, so the greater we are allowed to do that, the better.

Connect with RMM via @RMMusictv on social media
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