[Free Download] Sinach – Way Maker | Audio + Video
Sinach is back with a new anthem, Way Maker!
The multiple award-winning gospel minister wraps up the year with yet another spirit-filled single ‘Way Maker,’ produced by Mayo MuziQ. The prolific singer-songwriter complemented the new track with a beautiful music video directed by Ose Iria.
God knows the way through the wilderness of life. He is the light in your path through out 2016 and Yes! He is the promise keeper ~ Sinach
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Brief Profile
Sinach is a globally-renowned worship leader with over 25 years of leading worship around the World. She is a prolific songwriter with songs like ‘Jesus is Alive’, I Know Who I Am, The Name of Jesus and many more which have become anthems in many Churches and homes all around the world.
SINACH has a large and ever-growing global fan base from over 150 countries, who are committed to listening to her music and following her on every available social media platform.
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I love to hear and watch the videos.
Love to listen a gospel song
Always my best song of all time spirit lifted
An awesome, inspiring, real and encouraging song. God is my waymaker, He is every thing to me. Thank you Sinach. God bless you.
Way maker is a song that lifts your spirit. Spirit inspired worship song.
hey this so wondeful n ispire song
may the God bless you
you are the best sister… thank you for allowing the LORD to use you. today you are a blessing to many,
Wosome may God continue to uplift u in evry situation !!!. God bless you.
greatest song of my life. god bless you.
More grace n annointing ma’am
Nice one sinach
my Love for this jam
I’m a teenage girl who admires this woman of God ,her music makes my faith in God grow every time. Bless God for such wonderful people who inspires our souls
Praise be to the Father,the Son and the holy spirit
I love this woman of God
Perfect wordsin this my present moments of life
baby sinach may the good God bless you in Jesus name Amen.
Wow what a wonderful song ,my 6 yrs old son just loves this song and he ministered it me .its full of anointing.stay blessed you have a young looking for your album in stores.
I am blessed by your worship. I appreciate the anointing of God upon your life
This songs are the dongs we ought to shame the devil with. hallelujah Emmanuel u r worthy to be praised. Amen my sister
Spirit centred, annointed and spirit filled worship! You can feel His presence being released as you worship! The first time this week that I have encountered your music and am blessed by it!
The song refuel my belief in Jesus
what a song, really it makes me worship again and again.
So touching, God bless you.
What a wonderful and spiritual song the lord gas helped you to composed, sinach God will bless you for this great job.
i really love the song its so spiritual nd touching God bless u so so much nd lift u into another level i lav u sinach
I lovw this song so bad that i make it my ringtone n my theme to wake me up in the morning
I am sooo BLESS with WAY MAKER can’t stop singing and the presence of the Holy Ghost is feeling my heart every minute God Bless you Sinach all the way from (Torres Strait ) AUSTRALIA much loved♡
Nice one spinach
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What a song. Realy sang with passion, touching hearts (lives) of millions. May the good Lord JESUS keep working in you so you can still reach out to many more lives through this gift He has trusted you with. Hope to meet you in the presence of our Father God one day. Keep the Holy Ghost fire burning.
one of the greatest songs that has really touched my life…..
sinach,I appreciate for way maker its a full encouraging & blessing worship song
Sinach we love you
Way maker have changed my like from darkness into the Light. God bless you Sinach.
Great song and truely inspiring
God bless you for making this song immortalized
By recording it for us to partake in its blessing
God continue to strengthen u sinach.#shalom#
i love this song it has changed my lyf a gr8t deal thnk u sinach
God bless u as u come up with more music
i love this song
thnk u sinach
We love you Sinach…May God highly bless you.
Sinach we love you!
just awesome God bless
Mummy sinach your songs acquire much grace along with joy and favour it has inspired me more than ever might think of may God almighty keep flourishing you with more memories ahead coming up with new songs and album
song is really awesome, can’t really stop enjoying
Wonderful song. …can’t stop listening to it. God bless you Sinachi.
i am in complete peace when am listening to this song
I’m blessed n transformed really by the song
I can’t do with this Wonderful holy spirit song….God bless you sinach and pastor Chris oyaklilome
God richly bless u sinach for this wonderful and blessed song…..God increase the oil on you and that of your father pastor Chris Oyaklilome
Wow,beautiful wish to see sinach one day with my naked eyes ,she is soo much blessed
I like the song very it has rely blessed my heart but how can i find the full album here in Malawi.
God bless you greatly for ds wonderful piece and increase his oil on ur generations I have Ben blessed again and again by this song
Awesome May God bless you sis
Spirit filled!
worship! adoration!
you are blessed
wow, that was extremely wonderful..this is what happens when singers give themselves to the Lord’s service and use their beautiful voices and talents for His glory
the song is amazing
You really inspire me to continue preaching the gospel especially when I listen to your songs am so much blessed ,you are one of pple i salute in my spiritual growth
wonderful song.so inspiring
God richly bless u dear. May He left u High on High cus dis song is Gud n Understanding. Lov u
I can’t stop listing to this song its has touchs me lot /God bless u
can’t stop listening to it.
this song makes me cry.GOD BLESS.
Awesome is all I could say. More grace sis
Heard the song once and can’t stop singing it. Couldn’t think of anything else but to download dis highly soul lifting worship song. The lord that has made u a minstrels to bless the world will also give u long life to continue it that when u are 100 years old, u will still release an album.
Best song ever thank you Sinach
Awesome song, God bless u!
Great song!!!!
I bless God for empowering u to sing such a wonderful song.Praise God.
a song that changed my life GOD BE WITH YOU ALWAYS THAT IS MY PRAYERS
wow am deep in love with you God bcz of this song …..highly spirited song
Sooooo in love with this song
Best song ever
Ma dear sis why will u do to help a lady like me to achieve ma dreams. God bless you
Great job ma , I will see u someday u are my icon.
wow!! wat a hit,ths is truly smethng we’ve been waiting 4 nd now we feel quite blessd.All thanks 2 u,my mothr
wow!!! wat a song.
What a worship song love you dear mwxa
You are a blessing sinach
Awesome. God bless you.
Woooooooow bless my soul sinach.im crazy for that worship.oh my GOD.thanks you lord for your servant sinach
I love dis song, may God increase u ijn ma.
Wosome may God continue to uplift u in evry situation !!!
Greatly proceed your long walk of faith.Indeed God will surely make a way as HE’S a promise keeper.Stay blessed
wooow so touching! indeed God Is really using u i luv u dear
Truly amazing way of worship. Praise God
you are the best sister… thank you for allowing the LORD to use you. today you are a blessing to many
Wow…..wht a beautiful voice.Sinach u trully an inspiration to many.May GOD continue 2 bless u.
I really like n enjoy your music here in Kenya am your fan.He Has surely make a way 4me. God bless you with more inspiring worship songs. Welcome to kenya
You guys are really wonderful,I appreciated your efforts and generosity. Thanks
Thank you Emmanuel, You’re welcome
i pray that every body will undarstand what worship means
The best God is producing . angels I singing in heaven.
Highly spirited song
best song ever
can only be inspired by the Holy Spirit, well
You are indeed gifted with the heavenly talent of glorifying God. Remain blessed, I love your songs because they uplift my soul spiritually.