[Free Download] Prospa Ochimana – Ekwueme ft. Mrs Nwachukwu

Prospa Ochimana - Ekwueme ( + Lyrics)

Here comes a new sound from Prospa Ochimana titled “Ekwueme” – featuring a worshiper of great depth and impact “Mrs Nwachukwu’.

EKWUEME” (meaning the God who says it and does it) delivered in English and Igbo (Eastern Nigerian language) is a pure slow-tempo and power-packed worship piece.

Get ready to launch into the deep, for an encounter, to experience the marvelous works of the ONE who says it and does it. Turn on the volume and turn down worldly pressure through this song. We can’t wait to hear you share your testimonies like others around the world. Be blessed! ~ Prospa

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Ekwueme Lyrics

Onye Nwe anyi Ezitewo
(our God that sent)

Ndi Mmoziya ka ha nonyere anyi
(His angels to come be with us)

You are The Living God O!
Eze, No one like YOU

Ekwueme ! Ekwueme !! ( The ONE who says and does it)
Ekwueme ! Ekwueme !!
You are the living God o!
Eze (King), no one like You.

See Full Lyrics HERE

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A Blogger, Social Media Enthusiast, Music Lover, Ideator,Digital Marketer & Publicist who loves God.

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  1. The first time I heard the song, I shared it with my wife and just find out that every night we use the song before evening prayers. I love the song. It blessed me and my family.

  2. Each time I listen to the wonderful song the more I feel all what God have been doing for and my family I’m grateful Lord

  3. This song is the best
    Anytime I listened to this song I feel GOD presence. Thank you so much

  4. The song Ekwueme inspires me so much . thank God for this music my knees gently goes down to worship the LORD whenever I hear this song . May GOD inspires you more

  5. I develop goose bumps whenever I listen to this song, this song is extra ordinary, God richly bless you Mr prospa and Mrs nwachwuku, we’ll be looking forward for more. ??

  6. I always develop goose bumps whenever I listen to this song, tho I don’t really understand it’s contents, this song is extra ordinary, God bless you Mr prospa and Mrs nwachwuku. It really the hand of God ??.

  7. Whenever i listen to this song, i feel taken away . i think GOD himself wrote and sing his song through Prosper.?????????????

  8. I’m always in tears whenever i listen to the song. It makes me remain speechless. GOD His REAL

  9. whenever I listen to this track it makes me to runout of tears .. looking unto Jesus on the cross of Calvary he said it and he does it he says I will send the Messiah on to the world which is that of Jesus Christ of Nazareth what a wonderful God he is ; the same track Make me to become who I am today with truss and hope to God. my brother prospa may God fill you more and more with the Holy Spirit you shall your eyes shall never go deep you shall never be weary God Bless U,,,,,,

  10. Who would listen to this song remain down in spirit? Always boost my spirit, my desire and passion for Christ Jesus…God bless you more even as you bless His people through the Holy Spirit in songs ministration.

  11. The song really touches my spirit and I just start to praise God whenever I list to it. my the Almighty God bless your music as you minister to men through singing

  12. this touches my heart, it make me feel happy and remindable to God.
    May The Almighty bless you all.

  13. ever since I listened to it “ekueme” my live turn around for good… God bless the composer.

  14. Is very good song I feel peace and you, it touches my heart and may God bless and bless you so much

  15. This song give me joy, it make me feel God more I live it, God use it to show me more love. May God bless u all

  16. I like the song,, it’s so blessing,may our Almighty God give them another way to prosper and bless their work

  17. I’m so blessed with this song, we should worship our God everyday,am so touched,
    I feel to cry,bless you

  18. From the first time I heard the song,,,, I felt it. God bless these singers. They do real worship and not acting….

  19. Seriously This song always inspires and makes you spirit filled at ones……This Song is really From Our Almighty Father……Thank God we have You ‘Prospa’ …..Hope you bring another powerful music out by the end of the year. 2018!Work Hard For the Lord God Is With you!

  20. This how you know spiritual songs, this how you know Holy Spirit inspired song, you can’t listen and never go down to your knees worshipping the living God. A clear indication the voices behind the sing are not canal but total spirit filled. It tears n shiver from the beginning to the end.

  21. Amen, t this song is very powerful and inspirational. The song can move mountains. God bless you Prospa!

  22. Ekweume is a spirit filled song which gives the best discription of Our Most High.Amen

  23. More anointing sir may your ministry continue to grow from grass to grace in Jesus name

  24. God may your abundance grace continue to bring out spiritual and inspirational songs from your people just to show the world the mighty God we serve.

  25. I love this song so much that, anytime I hears it my spirit jumps in me and the spirit of God begins to take over my flesh. This song is sooo touching. I pray for more inspiration in the word of God and more wisdom to the both ministers. God bless you all.

  26. This song keeps me thinking what is life without God..

    Am highly blessed

  27. The first day my kids and i listened and watched this song, my boy of 7years burst into tears. He said ” mum, God is indeed Ekueme”. I felt something in me as much as my kids. We listened to it almost everyday and God keeps doing what He has said He will do. Thank u Prospa and Nwachukwu for this spirit lifting song. More Inspiration!

  28. I love this music like no man’s business more grace bro and please do sing more like this

  29. What a spiritual song, Lord I thank you for the life of these two artists. U are using them greatly. Thank you Lord.

  30. this song is soul captivating.
    Its Revive the spirit
    It give joy and it also heal a wounded spirit.

    God bless you
    Mr Prospa

  31. This is really a spiritual song, I don’t understand igbo but I read the translation and listening to the rymh.
    Ekwueme, you are the living God , eze no one like you.

  32. At first I was even using it to joke because I don’t understand Igbo.. But one day I listened in another dimension and I was almost crying after reflecting.. God bless who sang this song.. Eze no one like youuuuuu

  33. At first I was even using it tp joke because I don’t understand Igbo.. But one day I listened in another dimension and I was almost crying after reflecting.. God bless who sang this song.. Eze no one like youuuuuu

  34. If you the admin ever get to see this, I really want to thank you for this website …
    God bless you….

    Keep it on

  35. nice song i must say..but the truth be told and understood her.what is given you the bumps or making you cry or tear yourself all around?to some its a great encounter while some is just emotional encounter powered by the power of rhythm..you will agree with me that as soon as some of these people who experience this musical feeling leave that atmosphere they go back to there life style.smiles. at the car pack they will even use strong words on there follow man on here way home.have you ever tried to listen to that voice or the wording without the instrument and find out if you will get the same percentage of emotional tears and ……my point,let the word be our ultimate purpose for our encounter not the rhythm. i will not deny the fact that i did not feel the way most of us felt when we first heard the song.bless you

    1. That isn’t your problem. Let God see that. No matter how emotional they are , that song will still minister to them for a long time.

  36. This Ekueme is a wonderful inspirational song that has kept me going since I heard of the music. God Almighty who gave you this inspiration will surely give you more grace to accomplish his purpose on earth.

  37. this song gives inspiration to every race, tribe, nation and religion. 1st heard d song at an all night prayer. God is ur strength sir

  38. Always gives me goosebumps whenever I listen to it. Thank God for whom he is and praise be his name for his blessings upon you both.

  39. This is extra ordinary I don’t know what to say may God continue to give u both songs to lift his kingdom high, thanks mr prospa and ma osinachi

  40. Dis is a very powerful song…nt only is it captivating bt also so touching whenever i listen i feel lyk am in spirit…
    God wil continue to use Mr Prospa & Mrs Osinachi to pass his glorious message across. God bless you two…. #EKWUEME

  41. Wonderful song, gives me great joy and happiness
    , and always moves my spirit whenever i hear the song. Well done Sir/Ma , may God grant you two the power to compose more great songs in Jesus name

  42. I’m short of words!

    This song lifts my soul into another realm of peace whenever i listen to it… May God bless you for this masterpiece .. “tears of joy”

  43. God continue to inspire you. The song is soul touching. I shed tear everything I listen to d song. It is great

  44. This song is for me each time I listen to it am always in worship and in tears. I really love this song. May grace and inspiration from God for you to do explore.

  45. This is one song dat av loved and I kip on listening from it. it touches my soul and moves my spirit. I love dis song very much.God bless u and continue to use u more and more in Jesus name.

  46. More grace sir, May the Spirit of God grant you access to deeper realms for more spiritual songs

  47. the is very powerful and with the powers of God in it.anytime am playing I always moved by the spirit of the most high God

  48. This Song Carrie’s powers. I love it very well anything am hearing it I was always move by the Spirit of God.
    God bless you ma.

  49. I was in ABUJA when I 1st heard this song.. I don’t understand it neither do I know the meaning.. but the word.. “You are the living God oo, there is no one like you”.. It really do touches me.. even when I left ABUJA.. my minds will just be singing the song itself.. there is power in that song!!!.. God bless you sir!!

  50. I was at home with younger brother when he start singing “ekueme” I fell in love with the song immediately and when online to download it. May God continue to use u for his glory.

  51. What a great song,d first time I heard d song,b4 I know it tears all over my eyes..God is really great!!?

  52. This song is highly spiritual i love it may God almighty continue to use you guys

  53. I find myself in tears each and every single time i listen to this song, proof that God’s presence is ever humbling, God is good.

  54. How do I even start to express how I feel each time I listen to this song… God bless you guys the more for greater songs this 2018, This song is directly from Heaven

  55. I really can’t explain how I feel each time I listen to this song, you people really killed it. Amazing song that can make someone burst into tongues. More grace and inspiration to you.

    1. Am telling u dear,,dis song is wonderful working in my life,even though I don’t understand Igbo

  56. the first day i heard this song i was alseep , but the song calm my nerves and to be sincere it moved me, this is lovely keep it up

  57. There is a high spirit in this song,,, I always get goose spots all over whenever I listen to the music

  58. wow… the musical instrunments used for that worship was 4rm above, oh my God I pray u bless DAT brother and sister. thank you Jesus my soul was touched and lifted.

  59. these song is one of my best song of the you so man keep it up make to sell Never go down

  60. I don’t know how to describe how I feel each time I play this song but I know nobody knows how he or she feel but that song is a transport to heaven

  61. even when I don’t understand the language I’m still feeling God’s presence in the song

  62. Awesome, I can’t hold back my tears. I appreciate you more Lord. Txn @ d singers, very inspirational

  63. Really love Ekwueme, it keeps me working more at office even in the realm, proud to be part of Igbo

    1. I’m a Ghanaian, buh the first day I heard this song on the television I was rily touched so decided to download the song.God bless you Mr prosper

  64. The fist time i head the song i couldn’t shock and i couldn’t even remember where i am.What a great song
    GOD reachly bless you AMEN

  65. Powerful worship song. I was and am still moved when they sang it together at Unusual Praise 2017 at CCDM Lekki. “You are the Living God oh, Eze no one like You!”

  66. This song is awesome.
    I felt like God is speaking directly to my soul whenever I listen to this song. Makes one appreciate the Omnipotence of God

  67. am so inspired am inlove with this song chaiiii God is really doing something right now. keep it up dear

  68. Am so bless with this song God bless you sir keep the good work hope 2hear more powerful songs

  69. The first time I heard this song…I knew something was wrong with me..I broke down like a baby….I can’t go a day without using this song during my quiet time….God bless you..

  70. I love this song -ekwueme.we always sing it in our church and when doing that it touches my soul

  71. Tanks u so much for dis wonderful worship I was really inspired dey more I listen dey more I love God.

  72. This song teleported me to another realm, I worshipped God like I never did before, the song made me understand God’s goodness over my life. I can’t stop listening to it. God bless you

    1. This song is amazing
      I love it anytime I listened to it I feel the presence of the most high.Gid bless you sir

    2. God no one like you.inspirational song.thanx my almighty God for what you have done to me.eze no one like you.

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