MUSiC :: Darmy Adeleke – Baba Ese & My God
Darmy Adeleke releases two new singles titled ‘Baba Ese’ and ‘My God’.
The traditional single ‘Baba Ese’ is a worship medley with no exception that fuses english and yoruba effectively, digs into the depths of our hearts and pulls out our gratitude to God the way we truly intend.
Talking about the new songs, Darmy Shares : “Baba Ese – One thing that is required, but very hard to give is “THANKS”. A lot of reasons are behind this, but one that stands out is this: sometimes, English Language waters down the depth of the meaning of what we actually intend to say. The beauty of tribal languages like Yoruba is that it bridges this gap by helping us truly express our gratitude to God.
My God – Worship to God is not only a privilege we have as believers: it is an art that we learn. Through the good times and bad times. It’s something we must do. Don’t wait till the choir leads you to worship every Sunday. Lead yourself to worship irrespective of your situation”
About Darmy Adeleke
A graduate of Economics from Bowen University, Nigeria with a Masters from the University of Nottingham, UK. She has always distinguished herself in songwriting; penning revelations and spiritual mysteries with flawless, simple and profound notes of music. A native of Kogi state, Nigeria. Damilola is a gifted and versatile songwriter, a lady driven by her great passion for God, a minister of the Word in every way, and a musician with a distinctive level of creativity and artistry.
Damilola continues to revolutionize the world of modern Christianity in her own way with her unique and commanding techniques. Her website, is well padded with her passion in the fullest digital expressionism, pouring out her hunger for the right mindset of the Christian youth. TGIF is her marked identity, a passion which she lovingly burns in the hearts of every ready youth who shows passion for Jesus.
She delights in helping people and her perspective of service to God has always been a guide to help her stand on the right side in her immediate society. She never stops giving her time and intellect to assist the people around her, and whether in songs or word ministrations, Dami’s significant message is always the same; Jesus.
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